Next Gen Mad Men

Hello, my name is Micha and I LOVE CLOTHES! 

I love all clothes; long clothes, short clothes, bright clothes, dark clothes, patterned clothes, clothes on me, clothes on you. They’re wonderful things which can be expressive as well as stopping you from being naked in public.

One the the problems with loving clothes and being fat, of which there are many, is being able to find clothes that flatter you; express you as you wish to be expressed; and fit. If you find something that does all 3 then you are winning at life, well done you.

Recently I realised a worrying thing, my wardrobe was full of clothes that I hadn’t worn in years. Some of these things had really beautiful materials, patterns or shapes but for some reason I just never wore them. I had an epiphany. Just because something fits me doesn’t mean that it looks nice on me. When I realised this I had 2 choices,; get rid of the clothes and start from scratch, or learn to sew. After filling 2 bags full of clothes for charity shops (with all they’ve given me it’s the least I could do) I had a whole other bag filled with clothes with elements I did like.

Clothes are wonderful things which can be expressive as well as stopping you from being naked in public.

Some had beautiful floral pattern but big puffy sleeves. Some had a nice shape but have no colour. There was one dress which was vibrant, had a good neck line, but it had no shape and made me feel super frumpy. When it come down to the crunch these clothes had too much I loved about them to just throw them away so I altered them in some way to make them suit me more, this took many forms; from chopping off puffy sleeves; sewing in a bit of colour; or transforming the shape dramatically.



Voila! Not only have I instantly got a dress which is much more flattering, I have also satisfied some creative urges  from the far reaches of my mind.

This brings me to Today’s fat outfit:

mad men dress


I’m wearing the aforementioned dress which I call my Mad Men Dress because I wore it to a Mad Men themed party as Joan Holloway – it’s from H&M but my mum gave it to me (free from mum, my favourite charity!) because she realised she didn’t like it.. I’m also wearing my Amazing 70’s Shirt which I bought from a charity shop for about £2. To finish the look I’m wearing my Black Cardi from Dorothy Perkins and Black Leggins from Primark. It’s my “Mad Men meets the 70’s” look.